Steven Spielberg's Sci-Fi masterpiece sees an alien stranded on earth when his spaceship takes off without him.
A young boy Elliott (an excellent Henry Thomas) befriends the alien. Along with his older brother, Michael (Robert MacNaughton) and his younger sister, Gertie (an adorable Drew Barrymore) they must find a way to get the alien home!
On their trail is Peter Coyote as Keys, a government agent hell bent on capturing E.T. Dee Wallace is memorable as Mary Taylor, their cash strapped single mother.
The puppetry that brought the alien to life is truly remarkable. E.T. still looks real! The score by John Williams is genius and the SFX is still realistic.
Features iconic scenes (such as E.T. making the boys bikes fly) and quotable dialogue throughout. It's funny. and heartbreaking, and genuinely thrilling! The ending has been known to make grown men cry! Movies just don't get any better than this.
DIRECTED BY: Steven Spielberg. SCREENPLAY BY: Melissa Mathison. RUNNING TIME: 114 minutes. CERTIFICATE: U / G. USA.