Netflix's Back in Action is reminiscent of both The Family Plan (2023) and Mr and Mrs Smith (2005) and many other spy films. It remains immensely watchable thanks to its lead stars, Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz (who returns to acting after a 10 year absence.)
Matt (Foxx) and Emily (Diaz) are former CIA operatives who now have a (oblivious to their former life) family, a teenage daughter (McKenna Roberts) and a younger son, Leo (Rylan Jackson.) After fifteen years, baddies show up at their door searching for as key – called the Industrial Control Systems (ICS), a device that can control any electronic systems. Matt has hidden the key in London with Emily's mother and legendary MI6 sniper, Ginny (a memorable Glenn Close.)
Jamie Demetriou provides witty one lines as Nigel, Ginny's much younger boyfriend, but at times his character is too stupid to be believable. Roberts and Jackson are good value as the kids and Kyle Chandler brings his reliable acting chops to Chuck, an old friend of Emily and Matt.
The film moves at a blistering pace with some decent action and well choreographed hand to hand combat. It's very predictable and the baddie is obvious but it is still 'generically' entertaining. Fun overall. Just don't expect anything new.
DIRECTED BY: Seth Gordon. SCREENPLAY BY: Seth Gordon, Brendan O'Brien. RUNNING TIME: 114 minutes. CERTIFICATE: 12 / PG-13. USA.