Jurassic World Dominion (2022)

JWD dares to do something different, instead of just re-hashing the same old story. 

This isn't just about Dinosaurs roaming about in the free world, it's about a daring rescue mission, as Owen (Chris Pratt) and Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) try to get their cloned daughter, Maisie (Isabella Sermon) back, while also trying to expose a Biosyn conspiracy (a genomics corporation.) 

There are some great set pieces here, none more so than Raptors vs. Owen on a motorbike! And there are some epic Bourne style fight scenes too. The entire sequence in Malta is intense, with well choreographed action. 

The Legacy cast (Sam Neil, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum) slip back into their old roles and it's like they never left. There's even time for a much longed for romance. Pratt and Howard remain a likable presence, as does newcomer Sermon (who we met in the last film, but has much more to do here.)

Trevorrow keeps the entire thing moving, moving like a terrified crestfallen Claire, parachuting out of a plane! 

DeWanda Wise is fun as a former US Air Force pilot. 


OTHER CAST: BD Wong. DIRECTED BY: Colin Trevorrow. SCREENPLAY BY: Emily Carmichael, Colin Trevorrow. RUNNING TIME: 146 minutes. CERTIFICATE: 12A / PG-13. USA.