Kickboxer 3: the Art of War (1992)

While vaccinating in Rio, David (Sasha Mitchell) and Xian (Dennis Chan) run into a couple of street urchins, who attempt to steal their camera. Homeless Marcos's sister, Isabella (Alethea Miranda) is kidnapped by thugs and taken to a child sex trafficking ring. It's up to David and Xian to get her back.

The kickboxing scenes are well choreographed and it's always good when the actor can perform them himself (but they're also a little repetitive.) The middle fight is kinda silly because everyone (including David) just stands around and lets it happen, before interjecting too late. Later, Xian and David could get the upper hand on Lane (Richard Comar) several times and no one bothers to investigate the seven, deceased baddies. Silly.  

While this is no substitute for part one, it's perfectly watchable and fun watching the human scum get their comeuppance, with some beautiful Rio scenery, see the stunning beaches. 


DIRECTED BY: Rick King. SCREENPLAY BY: Dennis A. Pratt. RUNNING TIME: 92 minutes. CERTIFICATE: 18 / R. USA.