The film follows the life of Hirayama (a captivating Kōji Yakusho), a public toilet cleaner in Tokyo. And, who would have thought this would be so fascinating? When he's not cleaning toilets, Hirayama visits the local noodle bar, the public baths and enjoys playing his cassette tape collection.
Truthfully: you might adore this art house movie and feel like it has great re-watch value, or you'll wonder what all the fuss is about and you'll be bored.
Hirayama's niece, Niko (Arisa Nakano) comes to visit, having run away from his wealthy estranged sister, Keiko's home (Yumi Asō.) When elegant Keiko looks down on her brother Hirayama, it's heartbreaking! Great acting from Yakusho.
This is a snapshot of life with beautiful cinematography. It's well acted (from all) and constantly interesting, watching this gentle man's, habitual daily routine unfold.
The characters feel so real with the message being that perfect days come in all forms, we too can find the joy in life, even in our most mundane tasks (if we're willing to look for it.)
X (it's your turn.)
DIRECTED BY: Wim Wenders. SCREENPLAY BY: Wim Wenders, Takuma Takasaki. RUNNING TIME: 124 minutes. CERTIFICATE: PG. JAP / GER.