An overwhelmed stay at home mum (Amy Adams) is convinced she's turning into a dog. She starts to embrace this new identity much to her husband's concern.
Although billed as a black horror comedy, this is equally a perimenopause / post-partum depression drama, with moments of surrealism. The difficulty of motherhood, the transition from being on your own to the repetitive nature of caring for a child. Holding on to yourself while becoming an all-encompassing mother and trying to find yourself again.
The drama works better than the supernatural elements, which while interesting make the movie feel wildly uneven. Adams is amazing as usual, of course she is, and she carries the entire film, but it never comes together the way it should, despite being well shot.
Scoot McNairy is good value as her worried Husband, who is concerned that Mother (Adams) is taking her new dog obsession too far, see: her buying a dog basket for her son to sleep in and making her husband beg for food.
Although somewhat strange (as a concept) Nightbitch is always interesting and watchable. The dog elements could be an allegory (for how she's feeling) but it doesn't seem to be the case.
DIRECTED BY: Marielle Heller. SCREENPLAY BY: Marielle Heller. BASED ON: Nightbitch by Rachel Yoder. RUNNING TIME: 98 minutes. CERTIFICATE: 15 / R. USA.