After a tragedy strikes his life, an ageing (for a fighter) Rocky Balboa must get back in the ring with his most fierce opponent yet, Russian Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren.)
Rocky IV is extremely far fetched and cartoonish (with over the top 80's action sentiments, see any of the big action movies of the day, Commando, Rambo et al.) But it still manages to draw you in (with its MTV video shot style) and as the end fight gets underway you will still be on the edge of your seat.
Stallone still knows how to make Rocky the ultimate underdog and this revenge sporting drama is engaging. The soundtrack is impressive and the training sequences are probably the best ever put to film. Stallone was in incredible shape with barely an ounce of fat on his body! The supposed Russian (snowy) scenery is breathtaking.
This is Carl Weathers last appearance as Apollo Creed and Weathers had the loyal, cocky, spirited Creed down to a tee by now. His friendship with Rocky has grown into something we genuinely care about. The fights are more fantastical than ever but they still deliver the feels and the dialogue is extremely quotable.
Brigitte Nielsen is memorable as Drago's wife Ludmilla. Director's Cut info below.
OTHER CAST: Burt Young, Talia Shire. DIRECTED BY: Sylvester Stallone. SCREENPLAY BY: Sylvester Stallone. RUNNING TIME: 91 minutes. Director's Cut, 93 minutes. CERTIFICATE: PG. USA.
In 2021 Stallone released a director's cut called Rocky IV: Rocky vs Drago, which saw some scenes removed (including: the Paulie Robot birthday stuff) and others extended. It features re-edited fights. It's worth a watch but is no better or worse than the original version.